Monday, April 21, 2008

The perfect fit!

I have been having some issues with my back and shoulders for the last six weeks. Part of the problem was my bed-it was old and soft. I replaced it and found that my shoulders felt great, but my back was still having some issues, particularly when I rode. After about 10 or so miles my back would go totally numb and by the end of the ride I would be in a lot of pain. It was getting to the point where I would have a heating pad on my back the rest of the day and the pain would still be there the following day. I knew that something was wrong with my bike fit because I just didn't feel right on it anymore.

I had a phone consultation with Matt from The Sport Factory and knew that he was the man for the job! I liked him instantly because he didn't just assure me that it was the bike and tell me he would make everything perfect. He told me that it could be something else, leg length discrepancy, muscle imbalance, bulging disc, SI issues, etc. I went in to see him on Friday for a fit. He tested my flexibility (A+) and had me do some single-legged exercises that focused on some muscles that we use in cycling and running but don't engage much while we workout. These muscles tend to stay dormant and get weak, and can cause back problems. Basically I have a pretty bad imbalance of strength from my left to right leg. My gluteus minimus is not is the best of shape, and my core needs tons of work too. Matt showed me six or seven exercises that I can do in a circuit to help.

For my actual fit Matt raised my seat (it had fallen, a problem that is common in Cervelo's) and raised my fork also. I was currently in the most aggressive set-up possible and he made me less aggressive. It is going to relieve some of the pressure off my back and open up my hips. He videotaped me and did an analysis on my pedaling stroke and made some suggestions. Matt and I talked about all things Exercise Science and I found him to be extremely knowledgeable and fun to talk with. Everything on my bike is marked with TAPE and if the tape gets crinkled then I know something has moved!

Friday Keith and I went to the gym and did the exercises. We set them up in a circuit like plyos. They didn't get our HR up, but had us drenched in sweat. I loved it! Afterwards I ran almost 7 miles. Saturday I had a long run (12.5 miles) and my legs were LEAD! My calves felt very heavy, probably had something to do with the 50 single-legged calf raises that I did! But I managed to make it through my run albeit pretty slow.

The true test was my long ride on Sunday. I hit up the Serrano course with Hunter. The first 30 miles were amazing, I was feeling AWESOME despite having done some serious training on my legs the past three days. Then massive winds kicked in and literally took us from 22 mph on the flats to barely 15 mph. The gusts of winds were so bad that we couldn't ride next to each other for fear that we would get blown together! We kept thinking that we would make a turn and get a tailwind, but it never happened! Just cross-winds and head-winds. But I still felt really good and my back felt fine up until 50 miles, when I started to get a little bit sore. After 62 or so miles we were finished and I could dismount my bike without being curled over and hurting! That's a great sign!

I am planning on doing the exercises as often as possible, but maybe not running afterwards! I need to also focus more on my core, and this doesn't mean abs only! If anyone out there is suffering from pain on the bike that seems excessive, I would highly recommend looking at your current bike fit. Things will move and settle with a bike and as your body changes, you may need another fit. Matt at The Sport Factory did an excellent job and I would recommend his services!!

I put in close to 17 hours of training this week, I am very much looking forward to tomorrow's off day.


Anonymous said...

Glad you found Matt... he's great. 17 hours... that's awesome... you're gonna kill Gulf Coast! That Serrano Course is great overall but tricks you because the opening straight leg often has a wind at your back. We made the same mistake in SufferFest 07... "wow, we're rocking at low heart rate"... until the turnaround! Keep up the great training!

Kellye Mills said...

Oh... seems like we're all plagued with underactive gluteus minimus and si joints that don't want to move properly because it! Good job with the bike... and I hope you feel better soon.

Tell you what... I'll pray for your back if you pray for mine! :) Have a great day!

Stewart said...

good deal!!!!

Freddy Edney said...

Very interesting!
I am also considering getting fit again. After my accident last June I can't ride for more than 30 minutes without feeling numb in my arms. And I have never experienced this issue prior.
Good observation....thanks