Sunday, July 20, 2008

The junk in your trunk ride....

Well, this ride was definitely an interesting one and it was different for several reasons.

We didn't know where we were going. I rode with Bob and Sue (Suob) from Tucker to Social Circle. Originally Bob said that it would be 80-90 miles. Than he said 108. Sue just said "I hope this isn't more than 120."Then some of the roads didn't have names, and there was a bridge out on a road we needed to take, so we had to make some turning around. It ended up being 98 miles. One thing I learned: Always ride with peeps that are 1)Smarter than you and 2) stronger than you. That way you will get faster and smarter in the process! Thanks to Bob for being such a good navigation system!

There were some really weird animal encounters on this ride. First there was a billy goat that was loose and eating some grass. He looked up at us like we were crazy and just started chewing on his grass again. At a gas-station stop a little dog came up and started licking my leg. Bob gave it some moonpie and it ran away. Weird. A few miles later we saw what we thought was a dog darting out in the street. Turns out it was a fawn and it made a beeline for Bob. He had to stop and unclip and everything! Although this last encounter wasn't an animal it was still odd: there was a chain gang doing work out in the street and we were descending down a hill and we were yelling but they weren't listening and Bob almost ran into one of the inmates. To top it all off Bob "accidentally" rode into the back of a car that had honked at us. Big day for Bob out there!

The thing that made this ride really different was the following: While stopped at a red light a "young lady" said (to me) "Excuse me. You have really nice legs, but I think that you need to do some squats to get a firmer butt." I said "EXCUSE ME?" and she repeated herself. SERIOUSLY? Did Miss Chunksta just tell me to do some squats after I had ridden my bike for 90 miles? If I hadn't needed my water so badly I probably would have chunked it at her. Instead Bob just said "Okay, thanks!" and we rode off. This is what she was referring to:

These are brand new shorts. I promise they fit well when I tried them on. I can only assume that after riding all day my butt shrinks, causing me to having these "dookey booty" issues as Keith likes to call it.

After the ride I went on a 50-minute run. Ouch. It had just stopped raining and was 10,000% humidity. It wasn't pretty.

So I think that this ride can be formally named the "junk in your trunk" ride. I wasn't the only one with stuff back there:

Bob seriously had more stuff in his trunk than you could believe. 3 ensures, his dentures, moonpies, $100 in change, the garage door opener, bags full of powdered drink mix. Bob was loaded up.

After some post ride refueling at Los Hermanos Dave couldn't help but notice my sagging issues were resolved. Bonus for peeps still in the restaurant eating:


JoeVic said...

Seeing as how I is a married man I certainly never noticed that portion of your anatomy. Of course not,,,,,wouldn't be good manners on my part. Absolutely rude I would say.

Butt I heard it didn't need any help at all. :)

Stewart said...

nice car in the background.:)

Kevin said...

Wow some people dont know when to keep their moth shut.

Anonymous said...

Dani forgot to mention that I carried all my "junk" in that ice chest for the 98 mile ride. Every several miles I would switch arms. Except the dentures...I have no idea where that came dentures here.


:) said...

donkey booty...hee!