Friday, February 6, 2009

FINALLY made it to Master's!

After working at the Concourse for almost a month, I finally made it to Master's swim practice. My main excuse has been that it's been too cold to swim in the outdoor pool and when it hasn't been cold, I have had clients and can't swim. But today everything lined up perfectly and my work day was over in time for me to make the 11 a.m. swim practice. Lord have mercy. Those people tried to KILL me! Here's what we did:

500 WU
4x150 as 50 kick, 100 swim
3x300 at 90% Max
7x100 at 100+% max on 4 minutes. After you did your 100 you had to warm-down with back, breast, or free until the next 100.
2x25 underwater

My first 100 came in at 1:24. This was the slowest out of everyone (my lane was in the 1:08-1:15 range). Coach reassured me that there ARE slower swimmers, but today he had warned everyone about the workout, so I guess they stayed home. By the 5th 100 I was hating life and swimming and contemplating duathlons. By the 6th 100 I was literally seeing stars and color flashes and thought I was drowning. By the 7th 100 I realized that I had swum 3000 yards WAY faster than I would on my own and maybe Master's wasn't that bad after all. My slowest 100 was 1:33 and it was because I hit the guy coming back and had to stop and stand up.

Swimming underwater while holding my breath was the only thing I excelled at (and of course the kickboard!) I made it from wall to wall both times. It was really, really hard.

Positive about Master's? It's quick and dirty. No breaks, one hour of intense swimming. Plus the pool is saline which my skin loves.

Negative about Master's? I did my Dara Tores weight workout yesterday and went into the swim already feeling like my arms were noodles. But that was totally my fault and I learned my lesson.

Afterwards my fellow master's attendees told me I did good and promised that next week the Tuesday and Thursday midday practice wouldn't be this tough. I think I decided that I like it tough!

1 comment:

stewart said...

great job dani g! now if you actually trained for this thing...:)