Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Winter officially began for me on Sunday. Here's how I determine my seasons: Heat on=winter time after heat is on and before A/C= spring, A/C on= Summer, time after a/c and before heat= fall. So the heat is on and it's winter already. Sunday's ride with the Luna Chix was cold. About 45 degrees or so at the start. I could have used another layer on top, and some of those disposable foot warmers. Not everyone was wearing fleece-lined pants like I was. I know that some people were cold but no one complained and everyone rode strong! It reminded me of my first ride in the cold......

I had never ridden more than about 25 miles when I joined Kelly, Vanessa, Anna, and Joel at the Silver Comet. It was early March and COLD! I wore some cotton yoga pants, a long-sleeve t-shirt and a fleece jacket. I brought a (1) water bottle. No nurtition. They said the plan was to ride 40 miles, which seemed okay to me. Apparently I had forgotten about my first-ever ride where I wore pants and they got caught up in my chain ring and shredded up. So this time I took my pants and I tucked them into my socks. No joke. Kelly, Anna, and Vanessa took pity on my naive self and loaned me gloves, a hat, and a scarf. Immediately after the start of the ride I realized my toes were numb. Like really, really numb. After about 20 miles I was starting to get really hungry, and fortunately we stopped for a potty break. Vanessa gave me a Hammer Gel. I had never eaten a gel before and I didn't really get it, but I was so starved that I had no choice.

At the time I had no clue what "bonking" was, but now I realize how bonked I was. People were talking to me and I thought I was responding, but I was only talking in my head-no words were coming out of my mouth! I got dropped and remember a guy riding by me telling me "drop your gears down, your just spinning your legs out". Once the ride was over Kelly offered me a blueberry scone that she had gotten from Starbucks that morning. I don't even like scones, but that one tasted like it had been baked in heaven especially for me.

That was the day I learned about riding in the cold weather and bike nutrition!!!


Stewart said...

45' isn't cold....but cold is comin:) or :(

Stewart said...

oh how I want to become a snowbird in tucson during the winter months.

JoeVic said...

I know what my definition of 'bonking' is, but I don't think it's the same as yours.


Unknown said...

It seems like that ride was just yesterday! You can come a long way girl!

Anonymous said...

one good thing about Hawaii is there's no winter. . . I'm just going to have to brace myself for that cold Florida air in November!

Tat said...

And look where you are NOW, TODAY!!!!