Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Don't hate me 'cuz you ain't me!!

In the interest of privacy, I will refer to main character of this post as "hater".

At lunch with my mom yesterday she tells me that she told "hater" about my run on Sunday. I asked her what she said and mom tells me that her exact words were "1:58?!? Wow that's slow, I know that she must be really disappointed with herself. I'm not sure that she's going to be able to finish her Ironman."

I didn't even believe it! Mom swears that she is telling me the truth and didn't accidentally tell her 2:58 or something like that. I spent the rest of lunch PISSED that this little winch would say something like that! Plus of all the people to talk trash to, you do it to my momma? Like she isn't going to turn around and tell me?

To me running a 1:58 half-marathon on your second attempt ever at that distance, 10 months after returning to running from a broken leg isn't disappointing at all. I know that some people would scoff at the notion of ever running that slow, and would be very upset if they placed 288th out of the 1457 girls in their age group. But when you ran a BLAZING 39-minute 5k last year you do not earn the right to call me slow. Compared to you I am like Kenyan fast. In her prime the hater ran a 4:11 NYC marathon (in 1991) but has never run faster than me on any other distance. So if I am slow what does that make her?

The part of the whole conversation that really got feathers ruffled was the "not finishing Ironman" part. What is up with someone who has NEVER done a triathlon saying something like that? Very presumptuous don't 'ya think? It's almost like saying my first-born child will have two heads! It's just not something that you say out loud, even if you are thinking it!

I shouldn't let "haters" comments get to me but I am really fired up. It was just an effed up thing to say. Mom said she's just jealous, which is probably the case because she's old and slow. Hater.


Unknown said...

This a a great motivational tool, if you ask me. I'd print the comment out and then posted on your bathroom mirror.

The 'hater' may not believe in your ability to accomplish your goals, but I don't share her opinion.

You are going to surprise the haters, Dani!

Anonymous said...

I've finished 3 IM's and I've never run under 2hrs.


Nat said...

First 1:58 is great. I ran about that at my second half marathon when I was 28. Now I am 36 and just ran a 1:36 so please, you've got time and with time you only get better.
Second with your mad cycling skills of course you can do an Ironman! You will be great. No worries there.
Third this "hater" reeks of insecurity. Do not fall prey to her middle school ways.
You? You rock!

Stewart said...

fo real!!!

Kellye Mills said...

I know this is hard because comments like that would bug the
S$%% out of me!

But let it go. Don't even waste the energy on her. Obviously she's threatned by you for some reason and jealous of the idea of you finishing an ironman. So let her deal with her feelings and just completely forget about her.

And be PROUD of your accomplishment!! You are going to be an IRONMAN in a few months!! People like her aren't even on your radar! :)