Saturday, October 4, 2008

Last race of the season.....

Tomorrow marks the ending of the 2008 triathlon season. It also marks the beginning of home improvements. Ugh. Triathlon training will be easy in comparison to tiling and painting I am sure.

Very sad that the season is ending. I feel like I am just get started! Okay, that's an overstatement, but I feel like the FUN is just getting started, now that the pesky Ironman monkey is off my back and all.

Emerald Pointe is a fun sprint up in Lake Lanier. Should be chilly. I doubt if I will wear my wetsuit because it's too hard to run up that huge hill in. I did put the "toewarmers" on my shoes. What a pointless purchase that was. Why just the toes and not the whole foot? Whatever. They will work for tomorrow let's hope.

I rarely, if ever, have posted my goals for a race. Generally I will say "get hardware" or "beat my time from last year". Even though this is a sprint, since it's local and the last of the season it draws a lot of talent. So I decided my goals would be based on my time from last year. Basically I would like to improve on everything! Shouldn't be too tough considering the fact that last year I fresh off a broken leg and my running was more like "hobbling". Here's the breakdown:

2007 Emerald Pointe:
Swim: 9:28 (400m)
T1: 3:22 (hill+wetsuit removal)
Bike: 37:10 (21.0 MPH average)
T2: 1:11
Run: 25:32 (8:15/ mile pace)
Total time: 1:16:41
2nd in 25-29 AG, 18th female overall

2008 Emerald Pointe *goal times*:
Swim: 8:50 (let's face it-I can't swim!)
T1: 2:40 (still has the hill but I am not taking off the wetsuit)
Bike: 36:45 (21.4 MPH avg pace)
T2: 1:00
Run: 23:40 (7:37/mile avg pace)
Total time: 1:12:55

I am not exactly in peak sprint shape so this is gonna hurt. Sprint's always hurt the most to me which is why they aren't my speed of choice. I don't know what my speed of choice is to be truthful, but I know that I don't get warmed up quickly enough in races this short. Taking 4 minutes off my time from last year should make for some hard racing, but what better way to end the season?


Kate Parker said...

good luck tomorrow!!!

Kevin said...

Good luck tomorrow. Sounds like a sold plan

StephB said...

I don't know how you placed but you made up a LOT of time on the bike. Those other women probably couldn't even see you because you were passing them so fast!