Team Slaughter Scootsie was victorious! I was concerned that my legs weren't going to hold up too well on the bike. They were TRASHED going into the race! Have you ever just willed your legs to not feel sore? That's what I did race morning. I forced them to just work for me! My two biggest mistakes were not warming up at all and not taking any allergy meds. It took me until mile 14 before I actually felt like I was getting going! My Garmin time was 1:08:44 for 24.99 miles, so a 21.8 avg MPH, official time lists me at 1:09:20 because it included the time into transition. I was really hoping to go faster, especially after Sarah told me that the course was mostly flat. But there were actually a couple of good climbs and some rollers in there and I wasn't nearly as fresh as I would have liked. BUT, I did have the second fastest female bike split (after the overall winner's) and I am very interested in knowing what it would be like to taper and prepare for a real time trial!
Getting back to the race.....Olga had a blazing fast 27:02 swim and Tat burned up the run in 46:38. Our overall time was 2:23:59, 13 minutes faster than Keith's and if we could ever pull that time off individually, it would have been good enough for 3rd place overall!!!
The "us against you" format was really good for Keith. He stayed up all night driving from FL, arrived Atlanta and slept for 1 hour before racing. Then he placed third in his age group and took off 4 seconds from last years time!
Congrats to Sarah, Hunter, Jenny, and Steph who were all out there looking strong! My hero of the day was Dr. John Taylor, 87 year old who raced the sprint triathlon! He rocks! Check out Flickr for the rest of the pics!
Great race! Congratulations!
Congrats to TSS - By the way it was only 15 min of sleep. :)
When do we get ice cream?
Good job All Star!
If you really want to let it all hang out do a Time Trial. I think we have something in common... I saved my 2nd turtle last night while ripping it up at Collums. the first one was on Lower Roswell near the nature park, he was a very large Snapper and I was a bit skeered to even get my hands near him but I wisked him off to saftey. The one last night was the smaller one handed version that was in the middle of the road with no chance since the curbs are high. I took him for a 1/2 mile ride while holding him with one hand, got some strange looks I did. I found a good spot near the bridge and let the poor fellow go.
Big Scott
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