Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dearest Joe,

Me, humored after reading Joe's blog

Dearest Joe,

I was very humored by your inept attempt to flee the state and get in more heat training than me. Yesterday while I was baking in the sun for upwards of three hours I was wondering "Is Joe heat training like this?" Never mind that I was poolside sipping on margaritas. It was hot.

My research has shown me that it's a mere 55% humidity in San Antonio. It's 78% right now in Louisville. I would like to remind you that we are not doing IM Arizona, it's Kentucky. And they don't do "dry" in Kentucky. Trust me on this one, I have an entire family to prove it. Never mind that in Tucker the humidity is only 45%. This is a minor snafu that will be taken care of once the rain moves in.

So while you are getting friendly with an armadillo in Texas I will be right here, with no A/C on and the dryer running. Wearing my parka and scarf, five pairs of socks, and a portable heating pad, riding my steel mountain bike on my trainer.

Warm regards,


PS- Delirium is a sign of an oncoming heat stroke, so you may wanna get checked out by a professional.


Stewart said...

oh the heat training. it's mental thing.:) plus, if it's no over 100 we don't mind:)

Anonymous said...

It. Is. On. First one to lose 25% of body weight via sweating in a single 24 hour period wins something (a casket?.) You know, that humidity's a huge element of it. I'm sure your dryer creates a very steamy heat. Oh, no, wait... it dries things... like the air it heats up. Served! What's the treatment for permanent delirium?

Steve Stenzel said...

HA!! Training for the heat sucks big time...

Freddy Edney said...

This is going to be good. Can't wait for the VERDICT.