Thursday, May 22, 2008

My lower back....

I have been having more issues with my lower back lately and it's becoming very frusterating!

My first problem with my back occuring only when riding. My lower back would go numb. This pain was alleviated when I got properly re-fitting on my bike with Matt from The Sport Factory. He rocks!

During Gulf Coast my back was killing me on the bike. I was so uncomfortable that I spent a lot of the last 20 or so miles out of the aero position. My back was going numb, and the pain wasn't sharp, but it was really uncomfortable.

After GC I got a sports massage. She noticed a lot of muscle twitching in my glutes while working on my left lower back area. I told her that it was very painful and she asked if I had a bulging disc. Nope. I felt better for a couple of days.

But now I am in pain again. Lots of pain. The ride on Sunday left my left lower back screaming. Even after being off Monday and spending hours on the heating pad and stretching I still had to use the bed to help turn myself over in the middle of the night.

Now the pain has started in my butt too. Left lower back, left butt cheek. It's a burning pain in my butt and a tightness in my back.

I did my core, leg, back strength workout today that Matt prescribed. It was really hard to do anything one-legged on my left side. My butt was very unhappy.

Should I give it another week and see the doctor? I am only 26 with back pain already?!? I am about to stretch and spend another couple of hours on the heating pad. Ugh.


Stewart said...

just stick with it. sadly age and back pain don't always go hand in hand. serious training often leads us to concentrate on swimming, biking and running and often leave little time for strength work, core, ROME or stretching. Actually most forget that it's part of the whole process. Also, finding the cause of back pain can be time consuming because as many know, several things can cause back pain from knees, old or wrong shoes, poor running form and especially when running uphill. So, if you are bending at the hips when you run uphill, try to run more upright with a slight lean and focus just ahead of you...unless you already do that. I know that when I get tired running uphill i tend to bend at the hip and my back starts hurting almost instantly. Go get them to check you out and start from the floor up.

Freddy Edney said...

Totally agree with Stewart.

"Go get them to check you out and start from the floor up."

You may be pushing yourself a little to hard right now. Rest and Stretching are the most important elements in endurance sports. Perhaps in the off season you need to really focus on Strength/Core for future seasons. But most importantly, listen to your body. Been there, and done that... and paid for it.

Go get them "CK" .....