Monday, March 10, 2008

Lonely, oh so lonely....

Well, I was out of luck getting anyone to ride with me yesterday. Most everyone bailed citing cold weather, injury, or just wouldn't return my phone calls! So I set out to ride 50 miles all by my lonesome self on the Silver Comet. It wasn't where I really wanted to ride, but I was limited to someplace were I felt safe. I checked the weather as I was walking out the door and was surprised to find that it was only 30 degrees with a windchill factor of 23. 30 is my limit and I knew this wasn't going to be fun, but since I was already dressed and ready I didn't want to abandon things just yet.

Let me tell you, my friends that wouldn't ride because it was too cold were way smarter than me! I was battling a head wind for 25 miles going out. I was cold and my heart rate was much higher than it should have been. I was starting to get frustrated and remembered that it was day 10 of training in a row and I should just back off and ride. So I did. It wasn't my best 50-miler and my back was killing me at the end thanks to a smushy bed but I made it back in one piece. The trail was totally empty making this a really boring ride because there was no one to chase down and pass. I found the parking lot full of people who waited for it to heat up before they took off. Smarty pants!

After a stop by the house I went for a swim. I was totally exhausted and didn't expect too much out of myself but it ended up being an awesome swim for me! I finished it feeling better than I did when I started! I made it to 7000 yards this week without crapping out on a swim!! I am the Queen of skipping swims/cutting them short, and you can tell by my results. I am trying really hard to rededicate myself to the pool this season!


Anonymous said...

I was on the trail at 8am, so I could have tagged along until I hit the 11 mile mark. It was below 20' when I started.:(


Anonymous said...

Awesome streak!

Dani = Training animal! :-)